60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment


Environmental quotes awareness, Inspirational and Greatest Environmental quotes, Quotes about the Importance of the environment

Environment constantly changes with time. Living beings have to adjust to the environment. The first living organisms were formed in the sea. Then, they spread into fresh water and land. In this way, living organisms adjusted to the environment. This was the beginning of evolution. Then, a large number of organisms were formed later on. Man’s relationship with the environment has changed from older periods to modern times. 

Stages of development of man can be divided into the following four periods: 

  • Hunting and food gathering- Man led a nomadic life during this period. He moved from one place to another for food and shelter. Then, he learned to hunt animals and invented tools and weapons to hunt animals. Man learnt to cook animal flesh in fire, Man was then able to use the environment for his own benefit. 
  • Animal domestication - After hunting and gathering food, man kept domestic animals like cows, goats, etc. Man formed groups and protected himself and domestic animals from wild animals. 
  • Plant domestication and agriculture - After keeping domestic animals, man settled and started agriculture. Man started living in river valleys to get water and land for agriculture. In this period, The population started increasing. Man started cutting trees to get more land for growing crops. With the passage of time, houses, towns and cities were created. This started a cultural environment. Man started changing the environment and further using natural resources for his own benefit. 
  • Education, Science, technology and Industrialization - After agriculture, man wanted to know about nature and its processes. This started an improvement in science and technology. This gave rise to the industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century. Man started using the environment more and more for him. The friendly relationship between man and the environment was now disturbed. This caused great harm to the environment.

Need For Public Awareness 

We should be aware of the environment. Why? To stop environmental degradation and to save our resources. So, I've compiled a collection of some of my favourite environmental quotations.

I made this list to help me achieve my three objectives.

  1. To create awareness about the environment among the people. 
  2. To provide the opportunity for every person to get knowledge, values and skills to protect and improve the environment.
  3. To develop attitudes and motivate people to actively participate in the protection of the environment.

Greatest Quotes on the Environment

  • "We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment." - Margaret Mead 

  • "Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect." - Mohith Agadi 

  • "What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?" - Henry David Thoreau

  • "What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another." - Chris Maser

  • "Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action!" - Leonardo DiCaprio

  • "If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos." - Edward Osborne Wilson 

  • "A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people." - Franklin D. Roosevelt 

  • "We don’t have to sacrifice a strong economy for a healthy environment". - Dennis Weaver 

  • "Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth… these are one and the same fight. We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all." - Ban Ki-moon 

  • "It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." -Ansel Adams 

  • "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed." - Mahatma Gandhi 

60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment

  • "It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment." - Ansel Adams 

  • "The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved." - Richard Rogers 

  • "Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans." - Evo Morales 

  • "The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it." - Mike Huckabee 

  • "I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use."- Mother Teresa 

  • "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw 

  • "One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken." - Leo Tolstoy 

  • "The Earth is what we all have in common." - Wendell Berry 

  • "The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share." - Lady Bird Johnson 

  • "The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth." - Chief Seattle 

60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment

  • "Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever." - Leonardo DiCaprio 

  • "Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty."- John Ruskin 

  • "Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us." - Bill Nye 

  • "If you can’t be in awe of Mother Nature, there’s something wrong with you." - Alex Trebek 

  • "The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it." - Mike Huckabee 

  • "People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame - and only one - themselves." - Robert Collier 

  • "When the well is dry, we know the worth of water." - Benjamin Franklin 

  • "We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late… The science is clear. The global warming debate is over." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • "Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it’s common sense." - Ronald Reagan

60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment

  • "We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It’s life or death." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 

  • "On climate change, we often don’t fully appreciate that it is a problem. We think it is a problem waiting to happen." - Kofi Annan 

  • "By polluting the oceans, not mitigating Carbon dioxide emissions and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it, there is no planet B." - Emmanuel Macron 

  • "Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it." - Tony Blair 

  • "We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain to look inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet." - Stephen Hawking 

  • "It’s not climate change that needs to be tackled. It is the political power of the fossil fuel industry." - Richard Dennis 

  • "When I was a boy in the 1930s, the carbon dioxide level was still below 300 parts per million. This year, it reached 382, the highest figure for hundreds of thousands of years." - David Attenborough 

  • "Climate change is the greatest threat to our existence in our history on this planet. Nobody’s going to buy their way out of its effects." - Mark Ruffalo

  • "I hold a vision of this blue-green planet, safe and in balance. At the end of the Fossil Fuel Era, we are emerging to a new reality. We are ready to make the next leap - as momentous as abolishing slavery or giving women the vote." - Elizabeth May 

  • "The less we do to address climate change now, the more regulation we will have in the future." - Bill Nye 

60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment

  • "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Dr Jane Goodall 

  • "What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?" - Henry David Thoreau 

  • "The planet will continue to cook." - Paul Krugman 

  • "I hope to use my celebrity to motivate people and contribute to moving our global society back from the brink. I am surprised the environment is not at the top of the agenda. What is more important than good and clean air?" - Don Cheadle 

  • "If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money." - Guy McPherson 

  • "Change or be changed, right? And what we mean by that is that climate change, if we don’t change course, if we don’t change our political and economic system, is going to change everything about our physical world." - Naomi Klein 

  • "The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me, on our choices, and on our will." - Chai Jing 

  • "One of the biggest obstacles to making a start on climate change is that it has become a cliche before it has even been understood." - Tim Flannery 

  • "This is not a partisan debate; it is a human one. Clean air and water, and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation." - Leonardo DiCaprio 

  • "The challenge of pollution and global warming is no longer the science or the rate of innovation, but the rate of implementation: We have the clean solutions; now let’s bundle them and install them." - Jens Martin Skibsted 

  • "Climate change is the Everest of all problems, the thorniest challenge facing humankind." - Lewis Gordon Pugh 

60 Brilliant and Greatest Inspirational Quotes on the Environment

    • "Climate change isn’t something people get to choose to believe or not: it’s happening." - Matt Gaetz  

    • "To all of you who choose to look the other way every day because you seem more frightened of the changes that can prevent catastrophic climate change than the catastrophic climate change itself. Your silence is worst of all."- Greta Thunberg 

    • "The earth should not be a worse place after my life than it was when I was born here." - Rob Stewart  

    • "If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money." - Guy McPherson 

    • "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall 

    • "We can’t take climate change and put it on the back burner. If we don’t address climate change, we won’t be around as humans." - Conrad Anker 

    • "We are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we are the last generation that can do something about it." - Jay Inslee 

    • "Climate change is sometimes misunderstood as being about changes in the weather. In reality, it is about changes in our very way of life." - Paul Polman

    • "We are all living together on a single planet, which is threatened by our own actions. And if you don't have some kind of global cooperation, nationalism is just not on the right level to tackle the problems, whether it's climate change or whether it's technological disruption." - Yuval Noah Harari

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Question - Which day is observed as World Environment Day?
    Answer - World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June, every Year.

    Question - Why 5th June is celebrated as Environment Day?
    Answer - The first day of the Stockholm Conference(Sweden) on Human Environment (1973)- The UN General Assembly celebrated 5th June as World Environment Day.

    Question - What is the theme for 2023 World Environment Day?
    Answer - The 50th anniversary of World Environment Day hosted by Cote d'Ivoire. With the theme- Beat Plastic Pollution.

    Question - what was the first Slogan of the environment?
    Answer - The first day of the Stockholm Conference(Sweden) on Human Environment under the slogan "Only One Earth" (1973).

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